My publications
2018 & earlier
Related work
Kragel et al.: Emotion schemas are embedded in the human visual system. Science Advances, 2019.
Keltner: Toward a consensual taxonomy of emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 2019.
Vemulapalli & Agarwala: A compact embedding for facial expression similarity. CVPR, 2019.
Zhang & Hong: Top Shot on Pixel, 2018.
Jaques et al.: Learning via social awareness: improving sketch representations with facial feedback. ICLR, 2018.
Koide-Majima et al.: Distinct dimensions of emotion in the human brain and their representation on the cortical surface. NeuroImage, 2020.
Seo et al.: Intense threat switches dorsal raphe serotonin neurons to a paradoxical operational mode. Science, 2019. My take: Neurobiological explanation for diverse responses associated with a single emotion. Science eLetter, 2019.
Jeff Dean: Google Research: Looking back at 2019, and forward to 2020 and beyond.
Tendar: A virtual pet that feeds on laughter, surprise, and tears.